Meru FM

Meru FM Live

Listen to Meru FM live online. Meru FM, owned by MediaMax Limited, stands as the foremost broadcasting radio station catering to the Ameru people. Recognized for its leadership in terms of listenership and reach, Meru FM has positioned itself as the leading Meru vernacular radio station.

One of Meru FM’s key strengths lies in its ability to bring the Ameru people together, acting as a unifying force within the community. The station takes an active role in addressing societal problems, spanning political, social, and economic issues. This commitment is evident through its interactive shows and programs that cover a wide range of topics, including wellness, health, agriculture, governance, security, and finance, as well as women and youth empowerment. The effectiveness of these discussions is enhanced by presenters who possess a deep understanding of the Meru people and their unique needs.

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Meru FM also takes pride in promoting the customs, cultures, and beliefs of the Ameru community. By doing so, the station actively contributes to the preservation and celebration of the rich heritage of the Ameru people.

In addition to its informative and community-focused content, Meru FM adds an entertaining dimension by featuring Meru songs from local artists. This inclusion of local music not only supports the region’s artists but also serves as a means of cultural expression and enjoyment for the listeners.

This station really plays a multifaceted role in the lives of the Ameru people — it is an informative platform, a cultural guardian, and an entertainment hub. Through its diverse programming, the station continues to be a vital source of connection and community engagement for the Ameru community.

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Top Show/Programs

  • GospelReggae
  • Top reggae
  • kuthathaiyanakuriamugate
  • kwaria ciaitha
  • Country Roads
  • Tumsifu Show
  • Nkaranga ya Ikeno
  • jipe raha show

Popular Presenters

  1. Captain Godie
  2. Elaine Mukami
  3. DJ Patchez
  4. Paul Kinoti
  5. Makena Matiri Wamwongera
  6. Theria Ntuku
  7. Koffi Machette
  8. Akuru Bathatu
  9. Edith Kanyiri- Kanyis Nyis
  10. Martin Mathiu

Meru FM Frequencies

  • Machakos – 107.8 FM
  • Mombasa – 100.3 FM
  • Central -101.3 FM
  • Garissa – 100.3 FM
  • Meru -88.3 FM
  • Nairobi -107.8 FM
  • Nakuru – 101.3 FM
  • Nanyuki -101.3 FM
  • Nyeri – 101.3 FM
  • Timau -101.3 FM

Contact Information

[icon name=”phone-volume” prefix=”fas”] 0706333777

[icon name=”comment-sms” prefix=”fas”] 21017

[icon name=”at” prefix=”fas”]

[icon name=”facebook-f” prefix=”fab”] Meru 88.3 FM_Official

[icon name=”x-twitter” prefix=”fab”] @MeruFmOfficial

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